Sunday, August 11, 2024

Racism is NOT Inherited ~ August 11, 2024

It’s a personal choice. A born-and-bred rural “California Girl” who grew up in the Sixties and Seventies (yes, in the oh-my-God 20th century), I believe maturity didn’t finally hit me until I turned sixty-ish ... and that’s still debatable. But all of those inane years likely created a different perspective than most of those who are currently going to school, running businesses, raising kids, and think “socializing” is online.

And I am SO glad!

That doesn't mean I think I’m better than anyone else, or that others are better than me. It just means we’re different. And those differences should be respected. Which brings me to my first serious subject. Racism.

Told ya it was serious. But seriously, folks, it shouldn’t be. If I had been an adult in the Civil War days, I would have been one to run an underground railroad for slaves to escape the South. I don’t believe ANY PERSON should be slave to another. You’d think our way of thinking would have progressed since then with the laws passed to abolish slavery, and we ALL would have come to consider EVERY PERSON equal.

It is high time PEOPLE—yes, we are ALL categorized as that (though some are skating on the edge)—recognize that past behaviors shape who we are today, but that we can and should dissipate our prejudices to create true unity. Divide and conquer is the downfall of even the longest and strongest civilizations.

And yet, here we are, still fighting amongst ourselves over the color of skin. Many people of darker ethnic backgrounds are still holding grudges and many with lighter skin heritage are still oblivious to the concept of acceptance. Good grief, Charlie Brown, when are we gonna grow up?! Have we learned nothing?!

I don’t care who wants to pretend Orwell’s 1984 doesn't exist today, as those with their heads in the sand seek to ignore or even change that which went before. We cannot erase the past. History is as history was. That said—we also cannot be held responsible today, for what happened centuries ago—or in the case of some youthful disparages, might have occurred only a few decades ago. 

If we have a shred of intelligence, we’ve matured and likely don’t follow the same rabbit down the same stupid hole (or attitude) that we once thought was pretty cool.

Racism is an adolescent attitude. Mature American citizens know that UNITY is our only hope. 

Smile ... there's a camera on every corner ... Big Brother will wonder what you've been up to. 😎



Giving Voice to Write Sassy - Take 2: 08/11/2024


Who Is Sassy? Well, likely we all are in some way or t'other.

In 2018 when I acted on a whim, Write Sassy was an idea ... a forum ... a podium (for anyone over fifty, think "soap box"). Although times of every decade can be contentious and we often need to vent, here we are in 2024--oh my goodness! We had no idea how contentious THIS decade would be!

Now (as then), I could vent on Twitter--now "X," Facebook (god, how I still dislike that place), LinkedIn, or other crowded and loud online public venue.

But this is more my style. Likely because of my age ... let's just say I'm 39 and Holding, several times over ...

Sadly, there is not only much to vent about in today's world--most of us likely agree--it is even worse than in 2018. Even moreso now, while I may be as serious as the topic requires, I still believe if we are dark without light, surely we will go mad. Laughter is our light at the end of the tunnel. 

No matter the seriousness of your day, I hope you find a way to connect with your Inner Child, if even for only five minutes. Or smile for no reason at all! Everyone around you will wonder what you've been up to. 😎

As a rowdy child with Irish heritage and curly auburn hair, my mother was fond of reciting a poem that I apparently lived up to:
There was a little girl
Who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead.

When she was good
She was very, very good
And when she was bad she was horrid!

What she never told me, is it was the entry to a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882). The poor girl just wanted to have some fun.

Because life has become even more serious for so many of us around the Earth, I decided to resurrect this blog. I still won't post regularly, but when the mood strikes, and if you happen to catch it, thanks for your interest. 

I may comment on news ... though my viewpoint won't be altogether serious ... what's the fun in that? Or I may wax nostalgically for days gone by, or simply offer a philosophical tidbit to tease your brain and offer a different perspective.

Whatever my topic, you can be sure it will be intriguing and one I feel is important to you, not just me. More than ever in my considerably long lifetime, I feel we as a country, are teetering on the edge of survival. 

 While I write in all seriousness, life must also hold fun and frolic. The late philosopher, humorist and troubadour once reminded us, "If we weren't all crazy, we would go insane."* I hope you smiled ... 


... aka IrishWriter

 *Jimmy Buffet, "Changes in Lattitudes"